Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Monster manga review

Monster by Naoki Urasawa, Japan's master of suspense, is the story of Dr. Tenma, a Japanese neurosurgeon working in Germany. He's a master of his craft, but many people underestimate him and don't give him the recognition he deserves. His boss, the director of the hospital, is a corrupt man who only cares of his own skin and looks down on Tenma and takes all the credit for Tenma's work. Tenma begins to realize this and decides to save the life of a young boy who was shot in the head. He does this against the director's orders and is demoted. It turns out that that boy is really a "monster", a serial killer, that has intentions of his own.

Find out for yourself about his motives and enjoy this thrilling roller coaster ride that will make you think about the world in a different way. This is my all-time favorite manga series to date and I recommend it to everyone no matter who you are. You will not regret buying this series.


  1. ooooo :O i've been wanting to read this series since you showed it on your youtube channel, and seeing this little bit of info makes we want to read it even more :) was the description from the book or your own words? if it's your own then, your really good at describing things ( i'm not being sarcastic,, which is something i fail at lol.
    my youtube username is UsagiKuroChan, just in case you were wandering how i know about your blog :P

  2. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! Yeah I summerized it myself. :)
