Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An introduction of sorts...

Hello everyone! I am a bored reading otaku. What does that mean you might ask? Well I'm often bored at home, and always have to find something fun to do. One of which is reading. I absolutely love books, every since I read The Call of the Wild by Jack London. Darn it, I can't underline the title. Oh well.

I'm also an otaku. I love to watch anime, read manga, play video games, and all the other awesome things us otakus love to do. Oh, did I mention I want to become a writer? Well, I do. I love to write and hope to be published one day, but you probably don't care about that. You want to know what I want to blog about. Okay, stop badgering me, I'll tell you. I plan on doing reviews of books, anime, manga, video games, movies, and other stuff of that nature. I also just want to blog about reading and being an otaku.

So if you care to watch this blogger talk to the internet about any of these topics, please keep checking my blog for updates, and reviews. Thanks for reading.