Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Thousand Splendid Suns Book Review

When I started this book I had high expectations. I have read The Kite Runner and that's probably my favorite book of all time. This book was highly recommended to me by some of my friends and even my mom.
Well, I can say without a shadow of doubt that this book exceeded my expectations.
It tells the story of two women living in Afghanistan during the invasion of the Soviet union and the Taliban. The two women, Mariam and Laila, are forced to marry Rasheem *ahem* scumbag *ahem*, and overtime they learn to become the best of friends and go through many hardships. You truly have to read the book and experience it for yourself.
I love the characters in this book! Mariam was compassionate and wise, and Laila is gutsy and has an "I-take-no-crap" attitude. The minor characters are also very real and I'm sure you enjoy them as well. Even though I hated Rasheed, I did feel bad for him and what happened in his past. That doesn't excuse what he put these women through though.
I think I enjoyed The Kite Runner a little bit more, but I still cannot recommend this book highly enough. 5/5 stars.

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