Going into this book I knew what to expect, because I've seen the movie. What I didn't expect was this becoming one of my favorite books of all time.
It's actually very different from the movie in many ways. The main plot is the same, but it isn't as artsy-fartsy as the movie. (the hand coming out of the grave at the end...where the hell did that come from?!...so...Carrie's a zombie?...it didn't make sense to me.)
The book is sooo much better! If you put off reading this book, because you've already seen the movie then please read it! Stephen King is quite possibly the best author I've read in my entire life. He doesn't sugar coat anything, and he doesn't rely on gore to scare you. He leaves a lot of the frights to the reader's imagination.
The theme of this book is learning to watch what you say about your peers, because you never know what that may lead the person to do.
I seriously loved Carrie. I wanted to go into the book and hug her...and strangle her mother. Margeret White is one of the WORST mothers in any book I've ever read!
I highly recommend this book; King's introduction to the genre of horror, and a fine one at that!
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